You’re about to learn the secrets from some of our top performing partners.
Read exactly how they did it and look for the similarities between their situation and yours.
Like all good superheroes they are keeping their identities a secret to ensure that our interviews don’t garner unwanted attention but some of you may be able to piece together their identity…
The Social Media Superwoman was at College when she found Heroic Partners.
Like so many of our Partners she initially came across the company when her friend recommended getting a website through Top Web Experts.
Q: How did you get started?
A: “I was in my final year of college completing my degree and I was studying hard but pretty concerned about getting a job and where I was going to live – really everything that you think about when you’re about to graduate.
I wanted to put a website together because as my Major was in Graphic Design the idea of working freelance really appealed to me. I was shooting for the digital nomad existence but knew that to get there I needed to be able to get jobs online.
Anyway I was chatting to one of my friends and he told me that he could help me get a website done with a great company for a really good price.
So I thought ‘ok great, I’ll go ahead and do that and see how it goes’ but it was what he said next that was super interesting because he told me that he could get me a discount if I used his code and then he would get a commission which he would split with me.
So I was like (sic) ‘ok fantastic but tell me more about what you’re doing because that sounds like a pretty cool thing to be involved in’.
So it was then that he told me about how he had just signed up with Heroic Partners and that he could get me involved if I wanted. So obviously I said yes!”
Q: So you got the website and signed up with Heroic Partners, tell us a bit about what happened next?
A: “Yeah (sic) exactly so I got the website before I graduated and was super happy with it, got some jobs through it straight out of college and was able to get a ticket out to Costa Rica and me and a girlfriend just got an AirBnB there for a month which was awesome.
I’d already signed up to Heroic Partners and had already made a couple thousand dollars (sic) just by helping out friends and family who I knew could do with a website; obviously I already had mine and was really happy so it was super easy to talk them through everything. The best decision I made was to sign up to the Heroic Partners Mentorship programme straight away because like (sic) that was the best way to really get started quickly and once you have made your first few sales it just gets easier from there.
I hadn’t really started thinking about Heroic Partners as anything more than a side hustle at that point but the extra money was obviously great.”
Q: When did you realize that you could make a full time career out of Heroic Partners?
A: “Hey (sic) I’d love to say that I understood the value of it straight up (sic) but honestly it was more that the opportunity became super obvious and then once I got that then I really started leaning into it.
Basically I always had a pretty solid social media like (sic) a couple thousand followers on insta (sic) and it was when I was in Costa Rica that my followers started reaching out to me so I’d get DMs from these girls being like (sic) hey I love your insta, your so pretty and like what’s your secret how do you live this life, you know? (sic).
So I started replying and being like hey I got this website and can work remotely because I’m a graphic designer and I don’t have to do too many hours because I am working with this company Heroic Partners and I get commission when people buy a website with me and then I was like (sic) hey I can get you an invite code if you want to join – I would definitely recommend it.
Anyway I started getting so many DMs that I couldn’t really respond to everyone but I noticed that I was getting a lot of commission from the Partners I had signed up and I decided to upgrade to become a Legend Partner.
So I did the training and it was amazing like (sic) a complete eye opener and it made me realize exactly how powerful this could be and how I could basically just live exactly how I wanted by selling websites and telling people about Heroic Partners.
Q: So what did you take away from the training and what happened next?
“Well on the training I basically brought up that I couldn’t keep up with all the DMs and they just told me ‘have you thought about talking about Heroic Partners in your posts because then all of your followers can see exactly how you are achieving your goals and you won’t have to respond to individual DMs’ so that’s what I started doing and then I was able to send out invite codes to people who were interested and this was where my social media really started blowing up because I was now getting followers who were also looking to have the same lifestyle and wanted to know how to do it.
So I could help them out and then I was making crazy commissions because by then I had like (sic) 110,000 followers, which was already totally crazy to me, and now I was in the Legend Tier I was getting 25% commission on top of their sales and I was getting lifetime commission on recurring revenue from the clients so I started making tens of thousands of dollars a month and I was getting my social media to the level where I could also monetise that and since then I haven’t looked back”
Q: Such an amazing story and it’s so great to hear another tale of success and actually surpassing your own goals. Where are you living now?
A: “So I’m still doing the whole digital nomad thing. I was able to stay in Costa Rica for like (sic) three months when this started blowing up and have been able to live all over really, I spent like (sic) six months travelling around Latin America and the Carribean, I went to Goa for a bit then moved back to the States to buy my first property because I wanted to have somewhere I could call home and right now I’m actually in Europe. So the last couple years (sic) since I left College have been wild.”
Q: Any advice for the new Partners out there?
“I would say the most important advice I can give is to just get started off small (sic) make a few sales to your friends and family and then just be open to opportunity because there are so many ways you can be so successful and get exactly what you want out of life doing this – and when you get invited to join the Legend Tier then just go right ahead and do it because things only get better…
The High-Flying Homemaker had been living the American Dream; she has a wonderful husband who works construction and two beautiful kids.
When the kids started getting a little older and she had more time to focus on herself she began wondering how she could fill the time with something productive which would also help her family.
Q: Tell us how you got involved with Heroic Partners?
A: The kids were growing up and both were now in Middle School so you know they had their own friends and I had more time at home.
Before motherhood I had been working as a Personal Assistant and really enjoyed the challenge of work but I still had to be there for the kids so going back to work was not really an option.
I was doing some research online and was on this forum full of people in my position and there was this company that kept on getting mentioned called Heroic Partners.
So I went on the website but all I could see was that you needed an invite code and I didn’t really know what it was but I could see a lot of other women out there saying that they were able to work and grow as a person but didn’t have to take any time off from the family so it seemed great.
So I reached out to a couple of the Moms on this forum because I wanted to find out a bit more and try and get an invite code and one of them basically offered to have a phone call so she told me all about it and asked if I wanted an invite code which of course I said yes to.
Q: Great, so when you joined what were your first impressions?
A: “The thing is I didn’t really know much about websites or tech so I was a little daunted at first because I didn’t have any experience with this stuff.
But (sic) I looked at the training center and it gave me a lot of confidence because it was really clear and made everything simple to understand and I thought ‘what the heck if other Moms are doing it I’m sure I can too’ the other thing was that I wanted to learn something new and challenge myself so it was kind of perfect. Straight away I realised that I could help myself out and sign up to the Heroic Partners Mentorship Programme and having that weekly forum and support was amazing. I genuinely can’t thank my Mentor enough for the support when I was getting started.”
Q: And how long did it take you to make your first sale?
“Well I listened to the advice of the training my mentor gave me and started off with people who I knew.
Actually I started off with my husband so it wasn’t too hard at all!
He has a construction company that he is the boss of and I realized that he could do a whole lot better and make his life easier if he had a website.
Before I made any more sales I made sure that he got a good product because then I could really start recommending it to people in my community and only one week after he got started the website was up and running.
It was really nice and he’s very proud of it because it shows the quality of his work and the care he takes in his job.
Q: Now after your first sale how did you start growing your business?
A: I know a lot of people in the area and it was amazing to me how many of them needed a website.
I guess it’s one of those things that you really start to notice once you are looking out for it and pretty quickly I had a lot of people in the area coming to me for advice.
So it was pretty easy to start making a lot of sales and it really started to snowball from there.
It was a great feeling to be contributing financially to the family in a really meaningful way and because my husband also earns well we could start saving money and taking the kids on vacation.
I wasn’t really doing it as a business yet though because I was just giving people I knew advice and some of them signed up as Partners as well so I was getting some commission off their sales.
Q: And how did it go with telling other Moms about Heroic Partners?
A: Honestly it was pretty amazing. I just started posting on these forums and telling my story and I guess a lot of Moms related to it because I had literally hundreds signing up all over: I had a lot in the US obviously but then some in Canada, Mexico even England and Germany.
Now because I signed so many up I’m making enough money to really be able to guarantee the future for my family, especially because of the lifetime revenue, and we were able to move to a bigger house while still putting a lot of money to one side for College and we’re planning a big vacation together in the Summer so it’s just been so incredible and made me feel amazing because I wanted to be able to spend just as much time with the kids while also growing as a person and I’ve been able to do exactly that but so much more as well.
Q: So how did you take the next step?
A: Well it was around this time that I mad the decision to upgrade and become part of the Legend Tier and they offered me the chance to attend a training course as well.
So it was after that that I realized that I could make this a real business without having to risk any family savings or take any more hours out of my day.
What they suggested to me on the training was that I should just go ahead and use the internet to let other Moms like me know what I was doing and how it was going and then I could get them to sign up as a Partner and then I would earn commission for the sales that they were making and on the monthly management fees from the clients.
The Teenage Wunderkind was a Senior in High School when he heard of Heroic Partners.
He had always been entrepreneurial since he was a kid and had been making good money buying and selling sneakers.
When he found out that he could make even more money selling a product for which there was a limitless market as well as limitless capacity he immediately saw the profitability of it.
Q: How did you get involved in Heroic Partners?
A:I was actually looking for something like this for a long time because I was making ok money with the sneakers but the problem is there is only so much stock you can get your hands on and it’s a long process to get them to begin with.
So I was looking at this like (sic) the market for sneakers is great but the problem is that you have to bust your ass (sic) to get them – selling them is the easy part so what if I could find a product which has both a lot of demand and at the same time it is easy to procure.
Obviously I started researching online products because you don’t have the problem with scarcity and you actually have an even bigger market which you can sell to potentially anywhere in the world.
Anyway I was doing a lot of research but the problem is access. I couldn’t get a job high ticket closing because I didn’t have any experience and I was trying to manage this with my studies because I still wanted to go to college and study Business so I just really couldn’t find the right thing.
I was looking at Crypto and NFTs, stocks and everything like that but it’s hard to get into at a young age and I wanted something to generate income not tying up the money I’d already made from sneakers so I kind of wasn’t trying to (sic) do something where I needed to make an investment first.
So I was looking at Tik Tok and I follow this guy who makes really cool videos about business and he was talking about this opportunity which is invite only but open to anyone including people my age and it was Heroic Partners. So I just hit him up and asked if he could get me an invite code and told him what I was trying to do and that’s how I got involved.
Q: Thanks for all the info! Tell us about what happened next?
A: So I signed up and I could immediately see the value in it and just started writing down all the leads I had just from people I knew and I saw that I could also sign affiliates so I came up with a strategy of how to sell the websites and had a specific prospecting list for that and then I knew that I could also sign them up as affiliates to get the extra comms (sic) but I had a separate list for guys in my classes who I could sign up as Partners because I figured that maybe half of them would be able to get their parents a new website and then I would be making money off those sales too.
At first I didn’t really see what I could get from the Mentorship Programme because I felt pretty confident that I knew what I was doing but I figured I only had one shot to make the sales to all the people on my prospects list so I thought I’d sign up anyway and it wasn’t much money. I was really glad I did because just listening to the Mentor and hearing what other people were up to was really helpful and definitely meant that I was setting off on the right path you know? (sic)
Anyways (sic) I got my parents to get new websites first and actually my Dad already wanted to get one for a property he owns in Florida which he sometimes leases to people on vacation and my Mom just bought one I think to help me and for fun to be honest and because I’d already signed up my classmates I was getting quite a few sales.
I knew that I really wanted to get promoted to the Legend Tier but I hadn’t been invited yet and to be honest I wanted to be in that tier as quickly as possible so I immediately upgraded to the Legend Tier.
Q: So you actually decided to upgrade to the Legend Tier straight away?
A: Yeah (sic) I didn’t want to wait around and they said they liked entrepreneurial guys so I thought I’d give it a shot!
Q: That’s great. Tell us a bit about the training and what you did next?
A: Well the training was great and included in the price of the training was a free website of my own so I discussed on the training basically using my website to get new Partners on board and to sell websites as well and they were really supportive of the idea and gave me some advice around that.
So I got that set up and then really just started pushing this online and that was kind of ideal because I was also studying pretty hard so having the website there meant that I could automate a lot of the sales efforts and actually make sales and sign up new Partners straight through the website.
Pretty quickly I was making serious money and I was able to buy a new car and a watch before I went to college.
Now I’m at College and coming to College with a lot of money in the bank and a business which is doing really well has made the experience so much better like I have some buddies who have to work a job or whatever or some girls I know are waiting tables so it’s awesome to be able to tell them ‘hey you know you can work for me and make the same money I do’.
Q: What do you plan to do after you leave College?
A: I always thought that I’d have to get a job and get some savings before starting my own business but I already have a successful business that more or less is running itself so I want to diversify and start a new business after college.
Q: Do you already have any ideas for your next business?
A: Yeah (sic) absolutely – I basically want to get into running my own sales training courses where I can teach people how to sell and teach them about mindset and opportunities.
The great thing about that is that I can also use it as a platform to sell websites and recruit new Partners to my existing business while also establishing a sales training brand so there will be a synergy between the two businesses which I really like. After that, who knows in the current economic climate but I might look to acquire some Real Estate assets and go from there.
Q: I wish I’d had it all figured out when I was your age! Any advice to guys in High School who want to replicate your success?
A: Just go for it. Find an opportunity that works for you and then work towards your goals.
If you can establish reliable income streams to your business then pretty soon you can keep really strong cash flows which enable you to expand your horizons. First of all though you have to just go for it!”
The Beauty School Bigwig has been training Beauticians and Aesthetics professionals for the last fifteen years.
She gives courses which are designed to both give someone the qualifications to have their own Beautician/Aesthetics practice as well as to help them run their practice moving forward.
Q: How did you find out about Heroic Partners?
A: I actually wanted to redesign the website for my business as it was looking a bit tired as I hadn’t done anything to it for a few years.
So I Googled web design and development companies but there were so many companies with so many different prices and the whole process was painful to be honest.
I was telling some of my girlfriends about this and one of them said she knew where I could get a website so she came to my house for dinner one night and took me to the Top Web Experts website and sorted it all out for me in about half an hour.
One week later I had the website which looked great and it was job done.
Then she gave me a call to ask if I was happy with it and everything and when I said I was she basically told me that she could give me an invite to Heroic Partners which was how she was able to give me the discount.
So I thought, “Sure, why not?” and signed up.”
Q: Did you immediately start trying to make sales?
A: No not at all – I mean to be honest I already had my hands full with my business and hadn’t really read into it too much on the website so it wasn’t even on my radar then.
Q: So what changed? How did you end up making your first sale?
A: Well really it was after Covid that it became obvious that any of my students really needed a website when they qualified because without one you just can’t get bookings these days at all.
So I changed the course to incorporate that aspect of it and of course a lot of the students would then ask me for advice about where to get a website.
Having been very satisfied with my website I felt comfortable recommending Top Web Experts and giving my discount code and for the sake of transparency I would tell them about Heroic Partners and that I would make a commission from it.
I made sure to check in with the students and ask them if they were happy with the sites, which they were, so it seemed like an obvious thing to do.
Once I started making sales frequently I then signed up to the Mentorship Programme because I wanted a forum in which I could discuss any questions or servicing queries that were brought up by my students. It was very helpful for this.
I wasn’t really prepared for how much additional income I was getting from this though nor was I expecting to have so many of the former students asking me for an invite to Heroic Partners.
So I just started offering that during the courses and suddenly I had signed up a lot of Partners.
When I was offered the invitation to the Legend Tier the main reason why I went was because I knew that the training would enable me to give better training to my students as I would have more knowledge about web design and development and digital marketing as well.”
Q: How’s it been going since then and would you recommend other people like you who run training courses to do the same?
A: Well for me the most important thing is that it adds a lot of value to the training. I’m pretty passionate about what I do and obviously it’s a business but my main effort is to provide the best training I can.
However, I can’t pretend that the extra money isn’t a big deal because it is.
I’m just very grateful that I have been able to completely transform my earnings without compromising on the integrity of the course at all.
Based on that experience I can only whole heartedly (sic) recommend other people like me to do it because it allows you to continue teaching your passion while actually earning extremely well which is not something I ever imagined was possible.
The Side-Hustle Deal Maker leads a double life.
By day he is an Insurance Professional with a career working as a producer for one of the top insurance brokerages in the world and by night he is a Heroic Partner.
Q: How did you get started with Heroic Partners?
A: It wasn’t because I didn’t have enough work to do with the day job! I can tell you that for free.
I earn well in insurance but I live in New York City and the lifestyle I want is expensive.
My remuneration just wasn’t rising fast enough but I don’t want to give up a career I’ve put a huge amount of effort into and enjoy so I wanted to get a side-hustle going so that I could augment my income and make my life a bit more comfortable.
I’m also getting married this year and that ain’t cheap!
(sic) Anyway one of my buddies told me about Heroic Partners and said he had been making a lot of money doing it on the side so he gave me an invite and the rest is history.
Q: How did you find fitting in Heroic Partners around your day job?
A: Look I work in sales already so for me it wasn’t that difficult to make a start.
I read through the training on the website and knew I could find a few people I could sell a website to and also sign up as Partners.
So I did just that and then step by step kept on growing my sales.
I was also sure to get involved with the Mentorship Programme from day one because I knew how important it is in business to have the ability to learn from the experience of others and it was well worth the small amount of money I had to pay for it.
I started to do what I do in the day job so mapping out verticals coming up with different Business Development initiatives and I could see straight away that the beauty of this is that it snowballs.
As soon as I could I upgraded to the Legend Tier because I could immediately see that the key to this was the recurring revenue for life.
So I did the course one weekend which I wasn’t looking forward to, quite frankly, because obviously I’ve been working in sales for twelve years but actually it was really useful because it gave me a lot of insight into the breadth of strategies people were employing.
Now for me I wasn’t going to be in a position to employ those strategies as a lot of the other guys and girls were doing it full time and I just couldn’t put that many hours in but what it made me realize was that all I needed to do was focus on recruiting new Partners who: one had the time to put into it and two had a breadth of different opportunities because of who they are.
So without giving away all of my secrets I recruited: a music teacher, an accountant, a guy who owned a business providing a service to ecommerce companies, and I basically built out this team with all of these different exposures to people who need to buy websites.
So once I had done that then except for the odd phone call to give some advice or to recruit a new Partner I really don’t have to do much in order to reap the benefits of being a Heroic Partner.
Q: So how many hours a week do you now put into Heroic Partners?
A: The truth is it depends. Sometimes a couple of hours but some weeks none at all.
I like to keep making sales every month and recruiting but it’s light touch and really it’s just to keep my hand in so that I can help out my team as and when they require it.
Unlike a lot of people I try and (sic) run my Partners as a bit of a sales team so I am there if they need advice or anything.
The truth is though that I could do no hours and still earn the same or more because my guys are actively selling and recruiting too and the beauty of it is that when they recruit someone I also get commission off their sales as well.
Q: How does Heroic Partners compare with the salary you are making in insurance?
A: Quite honestly it now dwarfs it. I’m making six figures a month with Heroic Partners and it is growing.
Q: Does that make it difficult to stay motivated at the day job?
A: You might think that but I couldn’t possibly comment.
Q: Fair enough! Finally what would you say to anyone like you about getting started with Heroic Partners?
A: I would say that you would be a fool not to. I’ve been very successful with it and you could say that I should be given my career but honestly I think that the vast majority of people would be successful at it. If you have the right mindset and you get stuck in then you will totally transform your life. I promise you that.
By now you are probably rearing to go and can’t wait to start on your journey of personal and financial growth and, of course, the sooner you do start the sooner you will achieve our shared goal of Financial Freedom.
Of course on every great journey that we take most of us need a guide to point us in the right direction, let us know what challenges we might encounter and give us advice to assist us on our way.
That’s where the Heroic Partners Mentorship Programme comes in. This programme enables you to get to set off in the right direction and perfectly prepared.
Enrolling in the programme is the very first thing you must do in order to achieve your goals.
At this point you’ve probably noticed a lot of our partners talking about ‘Legendary Status’ or becoming a ‘Legendary Partner’.
When you’ve made at least 3 sales as a Heroic Partner you’re eligible to upgrade to Legendary Status, which increases your commission substantially and also unlocks monthly recurring revenue.
If you want to get serious and really secure your financial freedom then at some point you’ll want to become a Legendary Partner.
This enables you to sit back and make recurring monthly lifetime revenue from every single person that uses your discount code.
That’s automatic money straight into your bank account every single month.
Like Clockwork.
This is where the real road to autopilot money starts…